Geulah Generation
All the Nations Are Praising Hashem
Rabbi Reuven Wolf, Keynote Address Geulah Generation Convention 5778
As America struggles to bring back G-d into our schools and to our way of life, Lubavitch is doing that and more. Not only G-d and His laws for a sane world, but His representative Moshiach (the Messiah) is front and center in our thoughts and actions.
Most people are aware of the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s prophecy in 1991: “The time of your Redemption has arrived.” But after a wait of 2000 years, its hard to believe that Moshiach, a human being, the one who will usher in the Redemption, is actually here.
As you listen to Rabbi Reuven Wolf at the 11th annual Geulah Generation Convention, you will begin to understand that the Rebbe is no ordinary human being. His prophecies and miracles suggest that he has powers that are beyond our understanding. Historic events on the world stage “strangely” coincide with significant and “loaded” days in the Chassidic calendar . A clear picture of the world moving toward Redemption emerges. You will be fascinated, as we all were at the Convention, not wanting his talk to end.
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